Dendro  5.01
Dendro in Greek language means tree. The Dendro library is a large scale (262K cores on ORNL's Titan) distributed memory adaptive octree framework. The main goal of Dendro is to perform large scale multiphysics simulations efficeiently in mordern supercomputers. Dendro consists of efficient parallel data structures and algorithms to perform variational ( finite element) methods and finite difference mthods on 2:1 balanced arbitary adaptive octrees which enables the users to perform simulations raning from black holes (binary black hole mergers) to blood flow in human body, where applications ranging from relativity, astrophysics to biomedical engineering.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NcudaContains utility function for the host related to GPUs
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 NdetailDetail namespace with internal helper functions
 Cadl_serializerDefault JSONSerializer template argument
 Cbasic_jsonClass to store JSON values
 Cjson_pointerJSON Pointer
 NodeThis file contains the base class for the Rungge-Kutta 45 Method
 NotSimple class to manage async data transfer in the ODA class
 CLoopCounter: Simple structure to keep the loop counters
 CsubDASubDA based on the DA, where to perform computations sub domain of the main domain
 CTreeNodeA class to manage octants
 NparCollection of Generic Parallel Functions: Sorting, Partitioning, Searching,..
 CMpi_datatypeAn abstract class used for communicating messages using user-defined datatypes. The user must implement the static member function "value()" that returns the MPI_Datatype corresponding to this user-defined datatype
 CMpi_datatype< _T< double > >
 CMpi_datatype< _T< float > >
 CMpi_datatype< bool >A template specialization of the abstract class Mpi_datatype. This can be used for communicating messages of type "bool"
 CMpi_datatype< Node_Type >A template specialization of the abstract class "Mpi_datatype" for communicating messages of type "ot::TreeNode"
 CMpi_datatype< ot::Node >A template specialization of the abstract class "Mpi_datatype" for communicating messages of type "ot::Node"
 CMpi_datatype< ot::TreeNode >A template specialization of the abstract class "Mpi_datatype" for communicating messages of type "ot::TreeNode"
 CMpi_datatype< Point >
 CMpi_datatype< std::complex< T > >
 Chash< nlohmann::json >Hash value for JSON objects
 Cless< ::nlohmann::detail::value_t >
 CNUTSBasic: class for performing non-uniform time stepping. In order to perform non uniform time stepping the octree to block decomposition needed to be completed. We assume that the blocks are setup in the mesh class
 C_T: data structure to compute parallel rank
 CfeMatAbstract class for stiffness matrix computation
 CfeVectorClass that derived from abstract class feMat RHS computation of the weak formulation
 CPointA point class
 CPointTSimplified templated point class
 Cprofiler_tSimple profiler based on Hari's sort_profiler for bssn application