file | binUtils.h [code] |
| A set of efficient functions that use binary operations to perform some small computations.
file | colors.h [code] |
| A set of colors useful for debugging.
file | dtypes.h [code] |
| Traits to determine MPI_DATATYPE from a C++ datatype.
file | nufft.h [code] |
| contains the interface to non-uniform FFT library by L. Greengard.
file | nuts.h [code] |
| Spatially adaptive non uniform time stepping framework.
file | oda.h [code] |
| The class that manages the octree mesh that support FEM computations. Note that this file is a refactored version from Dendro4 which is changed to support Dendro-5.0 Currently we use mesh based FEM computations but in future we will move towards the mesh - free FEM computation methods.
file | parUtils.h [code] |
| A set of parallel utilities.
file | seqUtils.h [code] |
| A set of sequential utilities.
file | simd_derivs.h [code] |
file | subscattermap.h [code] |
| sub scatter map for partial MPI communications. This is an abstract version of the full scatter map to perform partial data exchanges. (Note that this is implemented for block wise scatter map, which will be used in non uniform timestepping )