These functions work with the mesh.
— Methodmesh(msh; elsperdim=5, bids=1, interval=[0,1], partitions=0)
Build or import a mesh. msh can be either a constant(LINEMESH, QUADMESH, HEXMESH) to build a mesh with the built-in simple mesh generator, or a filename for a mesh file. Currently GMSH files(.msh), either old or new versions, and MEDIT files(.mesh) are supported.
— FunctionexportMesh(filename, format=MSH_V2)
Export the mesh to a file with the given name. The format can be MSHV2 or MSHV4 for old and new style GMSH formats.
— MethodfiniteVolumeOrder(order)
Set the order of flux reconstruction for FVM. For order > 1 this will cause the mesh to be subdivided into a parent/child mesh. Take this into account when designing the mesh.