Linear Elasticity


The script file: example-elasticity.jl

A 3D linear elasticity equation that models the gravity induced deflection of a beam that is fixed at one end. This example demonstrates the use of vector valued variables, coefficients, and function spaces. It also introduces mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions.

Begin by importing and using the Finch module. Then initialize. The name here is only used when generating code files.

using Finch

Then set up the configuration. This example simply sets dimensionality of the domain and polynomial order of the basis function space.

domain(1)                  	# dimension
functionSpace(order=4) 		# polynomial order

Use the built-in simple mesh generator to make the mesh and set up all node mappings.

n = [10,4,4]; # The numbers of elements in each dimension. 10x4x4 elements
bounds = [0,1,0,0.2,0,0.2]; # The limits of the domain. A narrow beam.

# 3D mesh defined by n and interval above with two boundary regions.
mesh(HEXMESH, elsperdim=n, bids=2, interval=bounds) 

Define the variable, test function, and coefficient symbols.

u = variable("u", type=VECTOR)
testSymbol("v", type=VECTOR)

coefficient("mu", "x>0.5 ? 0.2 : 10") # discontinuous mu
coefficient("lambda", 1.25)
coefficient("f", ["0","0","-0.1"], type=VECTOR) # gravitational force

Convert the PDE into the weak form

The boundary conditions are specified.

boundary(u, 1, DIRICHLET, [0,0,0]) # x=0
boundary(u, 2, NEUMANN, [0,0,0])   # other

Then write the weak form expression in the residual form. Finally, solve for u.

weakForm(u, "inner( (lambda * div(u) .* [1 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 1] + mu .* (grad(u) + transpose(grad(u)))), grad(v)) - dot(f,v)")

End things with finalizeFinch() to finish up any generated files and the log.